h e y
w e l c o m e
a n d p l e a s e!
d o n t s t a y l o n g

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

its been almost a month since the last time a wrote in this blog.
jujur banyak banget yang terjadi di antara saat-saat itu.
dan gw rasa saat ini yang paling tepat untuk nulis review of my life selama waktu-waktu yang telah terlewati itu.

gw bertemu seseorang yang (mungkin) spesial dalam hidup gw. mungkin dia akan menjadi "final destination" gw. tp entah knapa, hati ini blom bisa tenang. dan gw merasakan apa yg menjadi sebab ketidak tenangan itu hari ini. that "her" is to damn precious to let go. gw ga tau harus berbuat apa setelah hari ini. gw ga tau apa yang telah gw lakukan. ah, seandainya smua ini tidak terjadi. mungkin gw orang yang terbodoh yang ada di dunia ini. anjing!!! bego!!! tolol!!!

yah gw tau ini semua adalah kesalahan gw. gw yang menyebabkan semua ini. ga ada yang perlu gw salahin selain diri sendiri. ga ada. bisa dibilang hari (pagi) ini adalah saat-saat yang paling membahagiakan bagi gw dan juga saat-saat paling menyedihkan bagi hidup gw. gw tau siapa yang harus gw sayangi tetapi ada sesuatu yang menyebabkan kita tidak bersatu.

cuma satu yang bisa gw doakan buat dia, mudah-mudahan dia mendapatkan orang yang lebih pintar dalam bertindak, tidak seperti diri gw. dan juga mudah-mudahan orang itu bisa menyayangi dirinya lebih dari gw. dan smoga dia bahagia dengan orang itu.

life to damn precious to you. you deserve so much better than me.

a lyric to her from the deepest heart of mine. a lyric to describe what happened today.

Oh elise it doesn't matter what you say
I just can't stay here every yesterday
Like keep on acting out the same
The way we act out
Every way to smile
And make-believe we never needed
Any more than this
Any more than this
Oh elise it doesn't matter what you do
I know i'll never really get inside of you
To make your eyes catch fire
The way they should
The way the blue could pull me in
If they only would
If they only would
At least i'd lose this sense of sensing something else
That hides away
From me and you
There're worlds to part
With aching looks and breaking hearts
And all the prayers your hands can make
Oh i just take as much as you can throw
And then throw it all away
Oh i throw it all away
Like throwing faces at the sky
Like throwing arms round
I stood and stared
Wide-eyed in front of you
And the face i saw looked back
The way i wanted to
But i just can't hold my tears away
The way you do

Elise believe i never wanted this
I thought this time i'd keep all of my promises
I thought you were the girl always dreamed about
But i let the dream go
And the promises broke
And the make-believe ran out...

Oh elise
It doesn't matter what you say
I just can't stay here every yesterday
Like keep on acting out the same
The way we act out
Every way to smile
And make-believe we never needed
Any more than this
Any more than this

And every time i try to pick it up
Like falling sand
As fast as i pick it up
It suns away through my clutching hands
But there's nothing else i can really do
There's nothing else
I can really do
At all...

but still i love her, still i care about her, still cant get her out of my head, still.....

hope we never change a bit...

for you my precious...
i always love you, no matter what...

6/28/2006 03:00:00 PM

Thursday, June 01, 2006

bt... cape...
bangun siang, tidur pagi...

eh iya, rabu gw ke launchingnya upstairs di barbados. rame pisan...
kapan yah bisa manggung diliat penonton serame itu...
*dream on mate*

bt... cape...
bangun siang, tidur pagi...

oh iya ada acara nih...


support lapen rock city - charity event

Menikmati Musik sambil Beramal daripada minta - minta dana di jalan lebih baik ngamen gitu ada semangat dan motivasinya...he..he..he

Minggu, 4 Juni 2006
Jam 3 sore sampai dengan 10 malam

Featuring :
Pestol Aer
Planet Bumi
Goodnight Electric
That's Rockafeller
Everbody Loves Irene
John The King
Gunting Kuku
The Porno
Alien Sick

Special Performance
Bunga Matahari
Ryan Pellor Dagger Stab
Andri Lemes Rumah Sakit
Bofaq Seek Six Sick

thanks support
Soho Music - AvenueA - Cup & Cino - Cavana

Contact :
Bangkutaman - 08159938916

pada dateng dong !!!

support your local musics and brings joy back to Jogja
see u there...

skarang bt lagi deh...

6/01/2006 01:46:00 PM

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29 August
YM : deathtothemonoton

Monoton absurd melancholy introvert!

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